Research Centre for Medical Genetics
1 Moskvorechye St,
Moscow 115522, Russian Federation
Mo-Fr: 9:00 - 17:00

Высококвалифицированные врачи-генетики ФГБНУ «МГНЦ» осуществляют клиническую диагностику наследственных болезней и проводят медико-генетическое консультирование для определения прогноза потомства.

Лабораторные подразделения оснащены современным диагностическим оборудованием, позволяющим проводить различные виды анализов для диагностики наследственных заболеваний: всех видов хромосомной патологии цитогенетическими и молекулярно-цитогенетическими методами, наследственных нарушений обмена веществ биохимическими и молекулярно-генетическими методами, ДНК-диагностику всех известных наследственных заболеваний, в том числе с использованием секвенирования нового поколения.

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Patient Care Information

The Research Centre for Medical Genetics offers individualized evaluations, genetic counseling, and testing. Our medical services include prenatal counseling, carrier testing, and complete genetic evaluations for children and adults with hereditary diseases.

Our goal is to provide you with genetic information that presents choices and minimizes uncertainty, empowering you to make decisions that are most beneficial for you. Although we offer specific recommendations about your medical care, we encourage you to make reproductive and other choices that are appropriate for you based on your cultural background and personal experience. Genetic counselling is carried out by genetics’ experts who have an in-depth knowledge of various genetic tests that are available and have expertise in providing clinical support.

There are several types of medical services for Russian citizens: 

  • free medical services 
  • paid medical services 
  • paid scientific research
  • free genetic screening programs

To request an appointment or clarify information about a specific disease and the cost of appointment or research, please contact or call +7 (495) 111-03-03.

Who is recommended to contact

Who is recommended to contact

  • If there is a patient in the family who is diagnosed or suspected of a hereditary disease
  • If a child was born with congenital and, especially, multiple congenital malformations

Online consultations

Online consultations

Consultations perform in the video conferences format using the Skype software.

Online consultations are conducted only in the presence of a doctor on the side of the patient.